25 July 2005

"Boston Pedestrian Point Values"

(Yes, there really is a book about how we Bostonians drive, and what it’s worth to hit different kinds of targets … er … pedestrians. In Boston, driving is a contact sport.)

"Official" Boston Driver's Pedestrian Point Values

(Sanctioned by the Boston Association for People-Free Streets)
Typical Able-Bodied Pedestrian ............... 3
Little Old Lady (with raised cane) ........... 2
Little Old Couple ............................ 3
Pregnant Woman ............................... 2
Baby Carriage (empty) ........................ 1
Baby Carriage (with baby in it) .............. 3
Bicyclists ................................... 6
Tourists ..................................... 1
Harvard Jock ................................ 10
Absent-Minded MIT Professor .................. 2
Policeman .................................... 8
Mayor ....................................... 10
Governor .................................... 15
Anyone carrying three or more packages ....... 2
    (for each additional package, add 1/2)
Gas Station Attendant ........................ 5
Groups of three or more people ............... 6
    (for each additional person, add 1